Trail Safety and Courtesy
Trail Safety and Courtesy
To keep the trail enjoyable and safe for everyone, there are a few rules for using the Vermillion County Trails:
Trail tips
Know your location
Know your limitations!
Keep mode of transportation in good condition.
Check for maintenance problems before you start out.
Wear proper clothing and safety attire.
Trail Rules
No motorized vehicles. The trail is intended for pedestrian and bicycle traffic only.
Trail open from dawn to dusk. Don’t use the trail at night.
If you stop, get off the trail. Always allow other users to pass on the left.
Keep animals under control. Keep pets on a 6′ leash, walk your pets on the trail shoulder, and clean up their waste.
Wear a helmet for bicycle safety.
Do not trespass on private property.
Obey all trail signs and rules.
Trail Courtesy
Keep trail clean – leave no trace. Remember that if you pack it in, you should pack it out. If you see trash, please pick it up.
Cyclist and skaters must yield to pedestrians. Warn trail users as you approach from behind, for example, “On your left.”
Respect private property and other trail users. Stay on the trail.
Shared courtesies mean shared enjoyment for all.
Report problems to Vermillion County Sheriffs Dept. 765-492-3838
In case of emergency, call 911