Clinton City Park Walk
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The Park Walk project was the brainchild of Dean Strohm of Clinton. The following is his narrative on how he was able to get this project completed.
"The Park Walk idea was a project that I had always had in mind of getting done some day. My efforts began in 2014 with the completion of the Riverside Project. I felt this was a good time to go after donations to make the Park Walk a reality.
To connect the four city parks using existing sidewalks was the plan and the one I followed. Due to the fact that several areas of sidewalk would need replaced plus 28 ADA complaint ramps would be needed at curbed intersections, I reached out to a former classmate who had told me she would assist with community based projects in Clinton. Long story short she provided over $32,000 for the sidewalk replacements and for all 28 ADA Ramps.
A hugh part of this project was the completion of the Park Walk Maps and Historical Information of the areas of Clinton that the walk passes through. This alone was a two year project in the making all done my a committee of one (myself). The Park Walk was dedicated on May 10, 2108 and the map is now in its third printing of 1,000 maps per printing. The Walk begins and ends at Riverside Park on Water Street. By following the green directional arrows on the street corners along the walk one will travel to each of our four parks the coal fountain and both the Main Street anf 9th Street business corrridor and beautiful residentail areas. The walk puts folks within one block of most churches, both funeral homes , library and passes Central School and City with a total walking distance of 6.5 miles".
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